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The biography of Victor Paz Estenssoro is available on Amazon

The biography of Victor Paz Estenssoro is available on Amazon
The first half of this book by Joseph Holtey PhD is the only biography of Victor Paz Estenssoro available in English. The second half of this study of the most important political figure in twentieth-century Bolivian history reads like an autobiography because it is an English translation of 12 hours of tape-recorded interviews conducted by the author in 1973 when Paz, in his own words, narrated details of his life up to July 1973.
The book cover picture shows Paz in his apartment in Washington, D.C., in July, 1984 on the day he discussed the first draft of his biography with Dr. Holtey. Paz's wife took the picture with the author's camera.
Click on the cover image to go to the book Amazon.com.
Upper picture was taken in the home of Joseph Holtey PhD in 1977.
Lower photograph was taken in 1984 in Washington, D.C.
Augusto Cespedes with Dr. Holtey in a La Paz, Bolivia bookstore in 1973. The bottom picture was taken in the La Paz, Bolivia home of German Monroy Block who is shown with Dr. Holtey in 1973.
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